Scroll down past the anti-Cathar LOLcat, cutely yet heavyhandedly representing a medieval correlate of spiritual warfare, a doctrine to which Palin has been linked ...

... okay. Deep breath.
The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that Palin plans to run for high office again, should it be God's will:
"I'm like, OK, God, if there is an open door for me somewhere, this is what I always pray, I'm like, don't let me miss the open door," Palin said in an interview with Fox News on Monday. "And if there is an open door in '12 or four years later, and if it is something that is going to be good for my family, for my state, for my nation, an opportunity for me, then I'll plow through that door."I realize that Palin herself is leaving a door open here. No more, no less.
But. Given her lack of reflection, her fundamentalist religious beliefs, and her apparent blindness to her own inadequacies, what do you suppose her God will do? Will he swing open that door?
Let's just say that if Palin's God had a barn, His livestock would be scattered all over the universe by now.
Cat har dee har har. We read them all folks!
Thank you for your time.
Brad Hoffstetter
Communications Division
Assembly of good Christians
Thanks for stopping by, Brad. I wish I could claim credit for the clever pun, but the LOLcat(har) is not my original work. :-)
Thanks also for the link to your site. Though I'm a historian (and thus know a little about the Albigensian Crusade) I did *not* know that any present-day group claimed the Cathar legacy. Very cool! I've always had a soft spot for heretics. It's fundamentalists that make me very uncomfortable - though at least in theory, I suppose one could be a fundamentalist heretic. :-)
I also like the white poppy symbolism. Very apt for today.
"Let's just say that if Palin's God had a barn, His livestock would be scattered all over the universe by now."
Oh, lord, sungold ... how you slay me!
Thanks for the link to the Sayonara Sarah article. A nice piece o' writing that I'll pass along to the Madame. She's been looking for a silver lining in the cumulonimbus cloud that is Mrs. P.
Pollitt is great, isn't she?
Now, do you know any great cosmic sheepdogs? I know that no cat would stoop to herding the divine cattle back into the barn ...
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