Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Bloggy Purity Redeemed

After I got that NC-17 rating a few weeks ago, I figured I'd joined the ranks of the disreputable. Since I'm feeling burnt out on politics tonight, I took the Cuss-O-Meter test and at first glance I still look pretty skanky:

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?

Uff da. I thought I was really restraining myself - I can be a whole lot saltier but you never know when your students, current or former, might read your blog. Or your mom, the retired church secretary. (Okay, I do remember using the F-word recently, but my goodness, I meant it literally as a verb - that's gotta count for something.)

But wait! It's more complicated. The results page tells me:
Around 22.2% of the pages on your website contain cussing. This is 92% LESS than other websites who took this test.
Um, hello? I'm not sure if that's a percentile ranking or a percentage of other people's average scores. Or maybe something else entirely. But "High," it's not.

Go here and let me know how you ranked, okay?

That said, the Cuss-O-Meter has no scientific pretensions. The entry page announces:
Average Cuss Level: 269%

The average percentage of pages that contain cussing for all the websites that have taken the Cuss-O-Meter is 269%.
Uh huh. No mathematical pretensions, either.

I think the Cuss-O-Meter would make an excellent Republican presidential candidate.


sally said...

I'm going to go ahead and guess that anything above 10 or something is going to be "high" because I just got high: 15%. That is in no way high.

Sungold said...

Yeah, you're definitely less pottymouthed than I, and I honestly don't think I'm all that salty on this blog!