Let it never be said that Kittywampus is all doom and gloom - or even all politics and sex.
These butterflies were at Discovery Kingdom, a former dolphin exhibit in Vallejo that has morphed into an odd but cool combination between a zoo, a marine park, and a general amusement park. They still have dolphins but the butterflies are a heck of a lot easier to photograph.

All of these pictures are mine except for the last one, which my husband took.
These are unbelievable pictures! I wish I was on vacation (though I never leave work behind either).
Thanks, Sally! I'm no great shakes as a photographer but I got a decent camera a few months ago, and what a difference it makes.
My next tattoo is going to be a butterfly. What great timing! I love the last one. Hmmm...would it look good on my arm? :)
Feel free to print this out and use it for inspiration. I'm soooo not a tattoo person, myself, but if I did want one, I can see the appeal of a butterfly. Maybe on your shoulder?
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