But these artichokes are remarkable for their size. I don't think I've ever seen any quite so large. I'm using my roast pan to steam them, which otherwise gets broken out for Thanksgiving and then collects dust all year.

Not that I'm obsessed with size, or anything ...

... but that measurement actually understates their size; the largest is close to six inches in diameter, but the shadows and the refraction of the camera lens distort it.
I hope they're as yummy as they look. Because, after all, sometimes size matters ... but size is rarely everything.

Maybe it's because they're a small operation, but all their products come in the same sized carton: a half gallon. Which means I have a half gallon of heavy whipping cream that needs to be used. I think it's time for homemade ice cream.
Hi Sungold! Two of my favorite things, artichokes and cream! Do your kids eat the artichokes? I ate them when I was a kid, I thought it was fun to pull them between my teeth, but my kids won't eat them.
Yes, my kids love them! It was the first whine-free dinner we've had in ages. I think the Tiger mostly loves the butter. He would live on sugar and fat if we let him.
Can you believe I was 16 before I ever tried an artichoke? They didn't make it all the way up to North Dakota. I wonder if that's changed by now.
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