I came out as Happy Cat, the original "I Can Has Cheezburger?" kitteh.
Your result for The Which Lolcat Are You? Test ...
Happy Cat
64% Affectionate, 55% Excitable, 60% Hungry
Obviously, neither vision nor the material world are as vital as felinity.
My kids took the quiz, too. This created a slight moment of Bad Mommydom, as I had to rush the Bear past a response featuring "buttsecks." I'm not quite ready to explain that one to a nine-year-old.
The Bear also came out as Happy Cat, which made him, well, happy. The Tiger came out as Sad Cookie Cat. He burst into tears at this result. Truth told, though, the grammar, the kind impulse, and the behind-our-backs gluttony all fit him perfectly.
Now it's your turn. Go take the "What LOLcat Are You?" test and report back, please. (If you post your results on your blog, toss us a link.) And yes, I'm talking to you, my dearly loved lurkers. :-)
Well I'm Longcat who seems slightly odd:
Protector of truth.
Slayer of darkness.
Longcat may seem like just a regular lengthy cat, but he is, in fact, looong. For proof, observe the longpic.
It is prophesized that Longcat and his archnemesis Tacgnol will battle for supremacy on Caturday. The outcome will change the face of the world, and indeed the very fabric of lolcatdom, forever.
Be grateful that the test has chosen you, and only you, to have this title.
Sounds right though! Fun. Thanks.
Maybe you're Longcat due to your protective instincts coming out with your new grandbaby?
Great news, Sungold! I'll continue to keep the positive energy flowing your way!
Obviously, my comment didn't make it onto the right post..... But the sentiment is still the same!
Also, obviously, I've still not quite figured out the whole Google/Blogger thing. lol
But while I'm here, I see I'm a Ceiling Cat:
41% Affectionate
50% Excitable
47% Hungry
I'll have to give that some thought...
Tiger and I kindred sad cookie cat spirits. Me cwy too!!!!
Thanks, Cathy - the sentiment is appreciated whenever and wherever it appears. Especially when it's coming from as high an authority as Ceiling Cat herself!
Hydraargyrum - I can't replace your cookie, but dang, the pound cake I made today turned out *excellent.* I hadn't made it since the time I set my oven on fire, and now I'm wondering why I waited so long.
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